What is the condition of the item you offered on the website?
All items on the website are in brand new condition with 1 year manufacture warranty.
How do i find what i am looking for?
You can type in the key word in the search engine located on upper right hand side or on top of the left navigation bar. for example if you are looking for ac adapter "PA-1650-01" or "Dell latitude adapter", just type in these keyword and matching result will show up.
How long does the shipping take?
Please allow approx 1-2 businee days for process and 3-7 business days for delivery. our shipping
department will forward you the tracking information to your payment email address.
For internatioanl order please allow longer time (approx. 7-15 business days) for delivery depending on the relative location to USA mainland. unless shipped via global express shipping international package does not have tracking option.
thank you
How does warranty work?
All of our product come with 30 days money back guarranty and 1 year manufacture warranty, started from the date item purchased. Any warranty issue we will replace it with a new unit and we will deal the defective parts directly with the manufacture so save you time and hassel on the exchange process.